Managing Finances To Avoid Issues Later Down The Road

When it comes to money, you need to manage your finances now so that you aren’t having problems in the future. The thing that a lot of people forget is the fact that money doesn’t actually just sit there and stay there. You have bills to pay, groceries to buy and so on. This meansRead more

Growing Family? 6 Must-Have Features Your Next Family Car Should Have

Every car owner dreams of having a luxurious and fast sports car, at one point or another. Some are even lucky to own high-end sports cars, while others choose the more economical ones. However, as your family grows, you will start noticing that the sports car is not practical anymore for your family. You willRead more

The Voksi® Explorer Review


I have long wanted to review a product such as this because it’s normally not something that I would recommend that you use in the car seat because some of these types of products can interfere with the harness.

BeSafe izi Twist B-iSize Review

BeSafe izi Twist B-iSize review

The new BeSafe izi Twist B-iSize car seat is an extended rear facing car seat suitable from BIRTH/40cm to 18kg/105cm – approximately 4 years old.
It is a ‘rear facing only’ car seat that has passed the amazing Swedish PLUS test, and it also swivels.

Axkid Bigkid High Back Booster Review

Axkid Bigkid review

The absolute minimum age for a child to safely use a high back booster – is 4 years old! The longer you can stay rear-facing, the better – personally I advise aiming for age 6 before you consider changing to a high back booster unless there are other factors involved like the child reaching 25kg before that age!

Budget-Friendly ERF Car Seats to 25kg!

Budget friendly ERF seats to 25kg

A 25kg ERF seat is what you want to buy for ANY child that is over the 50th percentile scale for weight. Here is a great list of affordable seats!

You Can’t Rear Face in Small Cars – Debunking Myths #4

can't RF in small cars debunked

The blanket statement that you can not fit an ERF seat in small cars, is dead wrong. Don’t believe me? Well, I’m going to prove it to you.

ADAC Results for 2019 – ‘Apramo All Stage’

Apramo All Stage

In this blog post, we will be looking at the bad ADAC results for the: ‘Apramo All Stage’ which is a 0+/1/2/3 car seat with extended rear facing to 18kg, retailing at £370. It uses both ISOfix and top tether.

When Should I Change the Recline Position on My Britax Two Way Elite?

Britax TWE recline position

The Britax Two Way Elite has two different install methods. Upright & Reclined. You should change the installation from ‘reclined’ to ‘upright’ when your child’s head has reached the top of the seat shell.

What Are You Missing When Buying A Family Car?

Most of us go through several cars in our lifetime. From the excitement of buying our first set of wheels to upgrading to something shiny and sporty in our footloose and fancy-free days, there are different considerations for different times in our lives. And then, if you choose to start a family, priorities shift againRead more

Why I Rate a ‘PLUS Tested’ Car Seat Over The Britax Two Way Elite

'PLUS Tested' Car Seat Over The Britax Two Way Elite

There are, in my opinion, just better options to opt for if you have the budget for it. I don’t like when the TWE gets blindly “oohed” and “awwed” over as if there was nothing better for the same price.

Warning! ‘BabyStyle Oyster Carapace i-Size’ crash test fail!

BabyStyle Oyster Carapace i-Size fail

The ‘BabyStyle Oyster Carapace i-Size’ infant car seat when using the ‘Duofix i-Size base’ failed the frontal crash test when tested to stricter criteria than what is the legal minimum.

WARNING! ‘Chicco Oasys i-Size’ crash test fail!

Chicco Oasys i-Size

The Group 0+ rear-facing car seat for infants: Chicco Oasys i-Size, was recently crash tested by the German consumer organisation ‘Stiftung Warentest’. Sadly this crash test showed a severe fault with the car seat’s harness.