Every year, about 500,000 children under the age of five go to hospital because of an accident at home. More accidents happen in the lounge than any other room in the house. A baby’s skin is 15x thinner than that of an adult. Imagine the damage a hot cup of tea or coffee can do knowing that.Read more
[Safety alert! Discontinued/Don’t Buy child car seat!] In October 2014 I wrote an article about the ‘Babystart Multi-Recline Group 0/1’ car seat and the terrible test result it had done at ADAC. During crash testing the shoulder harness was ripped from the car seat and the child test dummy went flying. Sadly this carRead more
My Thoughts on BBC’s ‘Watchdog’ episode | Aired 8/10-15 For some reason every time I hear there is going to be a car seat special on TV…. I slump my shoulders and my first instinct is to ask myself: Do I really want to watch it? Can I bear it? That might sound odd andRead more
If you are like me; likes to travel, has kids, probably a dog… right? Your car looks like a tip a lot of the time (yeh…you know what I mean! Biscuits!) the dog is in the back, hair everywhere!! I feel like pulling my hair already, haha. Then you might find this review very useful.Read more
You can find the whole #Tipoftheday series right here! Make sure you check it out often for useful tips & tricks that saves lives. ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-carRead more
Hi! I’m Elizabeth from Dutch Dutch Goose. I’m an ex-pat mom of two littles and I recently moved my family from Colorado to the Netherlands. In addition to moving abroad, we do a lot of travelling! Ever since we added our first little, we’ve been travelling with the car seat in tow. Keeping kids safe whenRead more
The Scottish Good Egg Child Seat Campaign is pleased to bring to you a FREE car seat workshop (normally £25!) – sponsored by Cosatto. Come along and meet other Mums and Dads, and find out useful information for keeping your baby safe in the car! Learn lots of useful hints and tips to keepRead more
Back to school is advertised everywhere. But what isn’t advertised so highly is the safety aspect of it all, and how to make sure we still keep our little ones safe in the car at the school runs. Every year over 2,200 under 15s are killed or seriously injured, with a further 15,000 sustaining minorRead more
ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. SheRead more
Browsing through Facebook I come across a post from a friend where she has discovered a mysterious car seat on Smyth’s Toys website. Looking at it my first thought is that …no way… this can’t be true! Is Graco really brining out a new car seat that actually covers ALL groups?! UPDATE 1: ItRead more
When out shopping for car seats you could be forgiven for thinking that “a car seat is a car seat, they have all passed the same testing, surely no one is better than the other one?”. Other than for cosmetic reasons, there is little difference between spending £25 on a car seat and spending sayRead more
I myself didn’t actually think about this until I was looking at car seats today and saw it, which inspired me to put it into my #tipoftheday series. I hope it was a useful tip to you!! ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport ResearchRead more
A good article with even more tips and info on children escaping the harness can be found ~HERE~ . Q:// After watching the crash test video, were you aware of the facts related to your child taking his or her arms out of the harness? Did you know how dangerous thatRead more
One of the most common errors once the child is old enough to use a high back booster – is the belt path. Above I have shown my daughter using the most common errors. Please please please always make sure that when you buckle in the child – the seat belt is using theRead more
Once our children are old enough to go into a ‘High back booster’ (also known as a HBB) at the age of 4, it’s important to know where the adult seat belt goes and where the correct position of the head rest goes. ERFmama Therese has completed theRead more