Managing Finances To Avoid Issues Later Down The Road

When it comes to money, you need to manage your finances now so that you aren’t having problems in the future. The thing that a lot of people forget is the fact that money doesn’t actually just sit there and stay there. You have bills to pay, groceries to buy and so on. This meansRead more

How To Safely Pack Your Car Seat For Travel in 4 Simple Steps!

packing your car seat for holiday

It’s that time of the year again! And instead of blasting you with a wall of text on how to safely transport your car seats when travelling (obviously when not in use) I have taken the time to give you a nice short and informative “infographic”. Now, when it comes to aeroplane travel and bringingRead more

How To Carry Your Infant Car Seat

how to carry the infant seat

Love and behold! Yet another nifty trick I just learned which I had never even thought about, so I wanted to share it with you all just in case you also find it helpful. Carrying the infant car seat can be heavy and does put pressure on different parts of our body – so youRead more

Travel Sickness Tips That Actually Help!


Being car sick or suffering from motion sickness is not very comfortable. In most cases, children suffer from this now and again, but some children are sadly afflicted with this no matter what. Ask your self if this was a one-time event? Was it something that happened because of something they ate maybe? Or isRead more

5 Most Important Things You Need To Know When Choosing A New Car Seat

5 Most Important Things You Need To Know When Choosing A New Car

Choosing a new car seat can be hard… To try and make it easier for you – I have come up with a list of 5 things you seriously need to know when looking at your choices. Before we start off – I want you to understand that after the infant car seat,  the safestRead more

How To Correctly Tighten Your Child’s Car Seat Harness

How To Correctly Tighten Your Childs Car Seat Harness

One of the most common errors with car seats is that the harness is not correctly fitted on the child. An incorrectly fitted harness is a serious mistake – and it will make the car seat unable to do its job properly.  It doesn’t matter if your car seat is rear or forward facing, theRead more

Killer Car Seats Sold Online!

killer car seats

In light of some news I just saw, I decided to write a quick little post about…online shopping…but you will also find these around places like Gumtree and Facebook selling groups. I love shopping online! I really do. I come across quite a few nice deals there and I’ve done some very good bargains! BUTRead more

UK Taxi Law Requires You To Use a Car Seat?

You need a car seat in a taxi by law

UK Taxi Law Requires You To Use a Car Seat Despite popular belief by the common man – a normal taxi is not exempt from car seat use.  The difference lies in the distinction between a licenced taxi and a public hire vehicle (PHV). Most taxis that pick us up at home when we order aRead more

Did You Know You Can Disconnect the Foot Prop ? [Concord Reverso]

Concord reverso Plus leg removal Tip

  You can indeed disconnect the ‘leg’ on the Concord Reverso (Plus)!  And what a joy it was when I discovered it! haha I was told by someone else who had the seat that they needed a new seat for their travels because the Reverso they had wouldn’t fit back in the box. You seeRead more

Current EU Booster Seat Regulation Changes

New booster law

  Changes to Current EU Booster Seat Law Goes Live in March This is something that’s been discussed back and forth and it’s been circulating around the net for a little while now. However I have seen a lot of wrong info regarding this new amendment to the law – so I have taken itRead more

High Back Boosters Can Be Dangerous!

The high back booster can be dangerous

<a href=”″ target=”_blank”><br /> <img src=”″ border=”0″ title=”Practical Presents” alt=”Practical Presents” width=”728″ height=”90″ /></a>   High back boosters can be dangerous! Earlier today while I was doing (yet another) photo-shoot, Henry was getting very tired. So tired in fact that he fell asleep in the HBB while I was getting some stuff in and aroundRead more

How To Tackle ANY Rear Facing Tether Problem!

  We’ve all been there, right? Some times getting a tether strap through the rail of the front seat in the car can be a real pain in the arse right? Well! It’s a good thing then that you found your way to this #tipoftheday because we have just solved your issue! This tip isRead more

Child Seat Safety: The 55cm Gap!

crash testing 55cm gap

[affilinet_performance_ad size=728×90]     Today’s addition to the #Tipoftheday Series shows us the importance of not having our front seats too far back in the car. I see far too many vehicles with the front seats almost in the lap of the children behind them and it’s really unsettling – because in the event ofRead more

ISOfix vs. ISOfit? The mind boggles…

It’s one of those questions that we all ponder on from time to time, isn’t it? Why is it that a child can only use a regular car seat with a harness up to “18kg” (most commonly on ISOfix car seats) but she’s perfectly OK to go into a high back booster that also hasRead more

When your car seat manual does’nt agree with the expert…

This post is part of my #tipoftheday Series! That car seat manual… In 99.7% of cases – I will always ask you to follow the car seat manual. Why? Because its instructions are put together by the team that crash tested your car seat and also those who designed the car seat. But then it’s thatRead more