Browsing through Facebook I come across a post from a friend where she has discovered a mysterious car seat on Smyth’s Toys website.
Looking at it my first thought is that …no way… this can’t be true! Is Graco really brining out a new car seat that actually covers ALL groups?!
It might seem that the website has sadly been wrong in their description.
I did phone Graco but didn’t get much help with my enquiry, the person I spoke to thought the website was correct because “they would know as they would sell it”, but since then some have come forth stating that Graco has answered them by email where they are saying the seat is sadly only rear facing to 13 kg (Group 0+) and no different from other forward facing seats of its kind – a harness limit of 18 kg (Group 1), but also turns into a high back booster to 36 kg as stated.
If this is the case (seat is not out yet, and the website still states the same description), I’m extremely disappointed – but not surprised sadly. It would turn out it was too good to be true. Luckily though my friends, there are OTHER rear facing car seats coming out next year who DO have extended harnessing forward facing….
Hesitant as I am to believe everything I read on a retail website (I wonder why…) the first thing I did was to post on their Facebook wall to see if I could get any answers from Graco direct.
Then I decided to phone them because I didn’t want to risk having to wait for days on end (looking at their wall activity that was what I was risking..) – so after a few minutes I was in cue to talk to Graco direct over the phone.
What I got told is actually making me bounce off the walls in excitement!! haha, yes yes I know! You probably think it’s silly, but for someone who does what I do every day, something like this IS one of the most exciting things!
Graco could confirm to me that it does cover ALL groups, that means that this new Graco Milestone car seat is 0+/1/2/3.
Now on Smyth’s website the product description is as follows:The only car seat you will ever need, all in one car seat that grows with your child. With a rear facing harness for up to 18kg, forward facing harness from 9-25 kg and a high-backed booster holding weight from 15-36 kg this car seat is suitable from birth up until 12 years of age.
Oh how I hope this is true!! For the retail price is currently set to only £159.99! Think about how many families will now be able to buy a car seat that actually (potentially) gives rear facing to 18 kg and then has a forward facing harness to 25 kg! (Currently there are only two seats on the market that offer forward facing harnessing to 25 kg) And then turns into a high back booster using adult seat belt! It will help so so many families! And it’s a low-budget seat, which makes it even more awesome!
While Graco could confirm to me that the seat IS coming, it IS real and it’s coming out in September, though a date is not confirmed as of yet that she could tell me, she was unable to confirm whether or not it was in fact rear facing to 18 kg and forward facing with harness to 25 kg, but she did say it does rear face through the infant stage so it is definitely rear facing to 13 kg, but she also said that she thought Smyth’s product description would be right about the seat as they would have the information.
Either way I am just so so excited about this news! And we will definitely be driving down to our local Smyth’s store to have a look at it, test it out, and if it is what the current description says, and Caitiebelle is not too tall for the FF harness, we will be driving home with it.

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.