“I have just read that turning my 3-year-old back rear facing is safer but I’m afraid he’ll hate it!” This is one of the most common subjects I come across while spreading awareness of extended rear facing. The child isn’t always 3, some times they are actually 2 or even 4 – so you canRead more
Presenting to you our car seat review of the new car seat from Diono – the Radian 5. Or R5 as I like to just shorten it to. In this review, I will be going through both rear and forward facing – though the seat is currently being used in the rear facing mode.Read more
I didn’t always know about ERF and how much safer it was! When my eldest was born in April 2008 (1 month early the little monkey!) I knew little more than other first time parents. I had done a bit of research, chosen the Britax First Class SI and got the retailer to check theRead more
This post is part of my #tipoftheday Series! That car seat manual… In 99.7% of cases – I will always ask you to follow the car seat manual. Why? Because its instructions are put together by the team that crash tested your car seat and also those who designed the car seat. But then it’s thatRead more
Why is that toddler all squished? I’ve always been the type to do research so, long before I had my kids, I had a good idea on all the best products to buy what type of nappies were best, what wipes are best etc etc. But then, I was looking at car seats and expectedRead more
I was clueless about ERF and it’s benefits. When my other children were small there was no such thing as ERF, we’re going back 17, 24 and 27 years! Even my first granddaughter turned FW-facing (forward facing) at around 9 months. The car seat bought by me to go in my car. In 2015Read more
Hello fellow parents! I am starting a blog series called; [Our ERF Journey], which will be about ERF (extended rear facing) but most importantly the parent’s/carer’s/childminder’s etc. journey to ERF. Would you like to take part in sharing your ERF story? Tell us of how you learned about ERF and decided to go for ERF, how you changed toRead more
It’s that time of the year again! It’s time to wreck my brain at Google Translate because my German is really really bad! But who cares right – because this is important stuff. The results for 2016 ADAC child car seat crash testing are in and I must say I am actually very happyRead more
[affilinet_performance_ad size=468×60] Doctors and child safety experts worldwide agree rearward facing as long as possible is the safest way to go. When a child is riding rearward facing the car seat absorbs a frontal impact, better protecting the child’s head, neck and spine many times more than forward facing. – Joie Baby 2015 Read more
This is a resurrected post from a good ole while ago, happy reading. Earlier I posted on the blog’s Facebook page a video that shows us a deep look into the world of car seat’s, testing and real life experiences. It talks about testing, and especially the sort that you read about in magazines, the “Best Buys”, theRead more
Hope you enjoy my latest video on how to install a very common rear facing car seat, the Britax Two Way Elite! This seat is only available in the UK from the ‘In Car Safety Centre’ and it’s RRP is £220. It’s a very long-lasting car seat that rear faces to 25kg and also forward-facesRead more
Welcome to my GiveAway! To celebrate reaching 600 Likes on Facebook (THANK YOU!) I am hosting this awesome give away! A chance for you to win your very own BeSafe Kick Cover in either ‘Princess’ or ‘Robo’! The kick cover protects the vehicle seats from both dirty shoes and dents in the interior, so notRead more
Following on from my previous post about Forward Facing car seat install tips, here is the Rear Facing car seat install tips post. :) Fitting Errors As parents, there are so many things we hope he has done right, and among those things, the car seat is maybe one of the most important things, as it’sRead more
Earlier this week Facebook suddenly got interesting. The car seat world was popping my news feed up up and away! So much that I just had to find out what the fuss was all about… And there it was…. I can’t say I’m majorly surprised, I mean.. here we are actually fighting with claws grabbing onRead more