Silent Sunday #11

ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocateRead more

Christmas Gifts That Save Lives!

  Christmas Gifts that save lives! I’ve put together a gift suggestion list of things that I consider to either be essential or very good to have in the car now that it’s cold, and also on a day to day basis, some are helpful and not necessary for everyone, I for example don’t haveRead more

Axkid Minikid is here!

Sneak peak of our “new” car seat (that we are borrowing, thank you Cydney!) that we are lucky enough to have for a bit. Really happy with it!         Axkid UK retailers: Securatot Limited Rear Facing Car Seats For Toddlers My Precious Cargo Rear Facing Car Seats Mama Chic In Car SafetyRead more

Eye-opening happenings at Kiddicare 18/10 !

        On Saturday I was desperate for a car seat “shopping” trip. If only I had won the lottery….ha ha I decided that a trip to Kiddicare was in order, it’s been a few months since I was there last. I wish I lived closer! Peterborough is about 30-40 minutes away dependingRead more

Sharing is Caring!

I stated on my Facebook page that when I reached 300 likes I would hold a tiny surprise give away. Well! I’m now overdue with this because in just one day I received all most TEN likes while I was out with the family, so when I came home I had over 300! haha ThisRead more

Joie I-Anchor – The Review!

Not that long ago now I approached Joie Baby by email because I really really wanted to become one of their “Ambassadors”. I was super happy when I got an answer back stating they would be happy to work with me and let me review one of their car seats! The seat I was sentRead more

The BeSafe i-Size is here soon!

    It’s all most here! Due to be released in June! (May 15th in Scandinavia) The BeSafe iZi Kid i-Size! (Make note of the clothing the children are wearing in a typical Norwegian winter. And how they are undressed before being strapped in! And what they are wearing in the seats. This is *important*Read more

Axkid Minikid – A Toddler’s Point of View

Axkid Minikid

  Went to the ICSC today to try the Axkid Minikid and to make sure it actually fitted nicely in our Ford Mondeo 2004 model. Caitlyn Anabelle is 3,5 years old, 15kg and 104cm tall. I didn’t have a chance to measure her torso height again at this time, so I will add that later on. Being 104cm tallRead more

You’re in MY seat!

Going out with toddlers is always quite an experience…..hehe Yesterday I decided to change the cat litter tray, only to find out after I changed it that we were out of litter… And with nothing open… (Easter..yey) that wasn’t really ideal. :wacko: So  today I had to take the kids to Tesco and pick up someRead more

Loving the Britax Head-support!

We love our new Britax Head-support in the TWE! ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the lawRead more

Britax TWE & BeSafe izi Plus in our Ford Mondeo -04

Caitlyn Anabelle is 3,5 years old, and Henry is now 19 months. Both very comfy and happy. ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s aRead more

The “Bottom Flooring Compartments” problem…

Some of the content of this post is taken with permission from  I have thrown up a reblog of the whole post (found here), but I thought since it’s such a long post, I’ll just post the actual email in a separate post. The email is from Robert Bell who is considered an expert in this field. RobertRead more

3 Years Rear Facing! And still going strong!

Today we celebrate 3 whole years of rear facing and 2 years of Extended Rear Facing. Happy Birthday Caitlyn Anabelle! We will continue to rear face for many years more!! If this is new to you, please have a look at and to understand why rear facing is so important! It’s never tooRead more

Britax Two Way Elite – A Toddler’s Point of View

UPDATE:   Happy Holidays!  :D Our holiday started off with a bang, and we are currently cruising around in a 5-door hatchback Fiat Punto 2003 model! Not to worry, hubby is OK, but our car is not, so my wonderful father in law has lent us he’s stepson’s car for a while. So with no furtherRead more

New car seats from Joie!

The Joie Tilt has been on the market for quite some time, but it was sold as a rear facing 0+ seat (up to 13KG). Now, you can use the Joie Tilt rear facing until the seat is fully outgrown at 18KG! ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRLRead more