A lot of parents will be worried about purchasing a used car, particularly if it’s going to be the vehicle that they chauffeur their kids around in. This is understandable as there are certainly nightmares that you can experience when you buy a used vehicle. For instance, some nasty sellers on the market will buyRead more
Hands On Magnets are a parent’s best friend whenever you find yourself with your kids around moving cars. One of the best things about using Hands On Magnets, is that it teaches your kids a simple, consistent and safe way to get out of cars, and how to behave when there is other cars or traffic around.Read more
Expiration dates on car seats – there’s a lot of confusion on this subject, so today, we thought it was the right time to clear a few things up. Everyone with a child probably knows about the expiry dates on their little one’s seats, but the big question is – do you understand what itRead more
Most people are aware of the infant car seats being rear facing, or facing backwards as some would say. This is the first car seat you buy when having a baby. But did you know that when it’s time to buy a new car seat for your baby – once they have outgrown their infantRead more
With summer fast approaching, it’s time to start looking at the family adventures we’ll take during the following months. For some, it’ll be a relaxing time next to the beach, for others a cultural trip to cities across Europe. Others yet will be taking a trip overseas that involves driving from one place to theRead more
We all want to keep our families safe, and one of the most important places where this needs to happen is on the roads. When you are driving with your family in tow, you need to feel as safe and secure as possible. If you don’t, it can quickly mean that you and your familyRead more
Health Goals to Work Towards As a Family This Year Today, the percentage of children who are overweight or obese is on the rise. Bad food choices, unhealthy habits and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle even from a young age are all contributing to this increase of children packing a few extra pounds. Although many childrenRead more
Are we there yet? Fun Travel activities for kids There’s nothing more precious than spending time with your kids. Well, at least until you have to take a long car ride. In a confined space, such as a car, children can become restless and moody. As they look for fun ways to entertain themselves,Read more
7 Safety Tips for Moving with Kids Moving is often a stressful process. Your children can become very excited or anxious at the prospect of new surroundings. The younger they are, the more attentive you have to be. It’s important that kids remain calm and safe during a move. 1. Pack while they’re notRead more
This Is Your Chance to Make a Difference! Sometimes all it takes is a good story to help spread awareness. Have you got a car seat story to share? We would love to hear about your journey to ERF! It would be hugely beneficial for other parents who are either on the fence aRead more
It’s that time of the year again… Where we are stressing out because we are trying to do that last-minute shopping! hehe Are you – like me – a little bit stuck on what to get the people on the list? Or maybe you are a little stuck trying to find the perfect giftsRead more
What is a birthday? Apart from well-being that your now one year older – I mean younger! What else is it? To me it’s really just like any other day – I think I’m getting too old – I mean young! To even really “care” anymore. Well I say that but I bet thatRead more
Hello fellow parents! I am starting a blog series called; [Our ERF Journey], which will be about ERF (extended rear facing) but most importantly the parent’s/carer’s/childminder’s etc. journey to ERF. Would you like to take part in sharing your ERF story? Tell us of how you learned about ERF and decided to go for ERF, how you changed toRead more
Yesterday was a very big milestone for our family. Not only did the little baby of the family (Henry!) turn 3 years old, but it was also Caitiebelle’s first day of “big” school! She started her reception year, Henry had a birthday and to top it up completely – daddy broke his foot… well probably justRead more
Earlier this week Facebook suddenly got interesting. The car seat world was popping my news feed up up and away! So much that I just had to find out what the fuss was all about… And there it was…. I can’t say I’m majorly surprised, I mean.. here we are actually fighting with claws grabbing onRead more