Moving with kids can be stressful and exhausting. There are so many things to remember, and there’s never enough time. If you would like your move to go smoothly, you should make a comprehensive list of things to take care of, so you can address them one at a time. Below you will find a few things that people often forget about and can cost them money and cause stress.

Mail Redirection
You don’t want to trouble your buyers with sending your post back or to you every time something turns up. The good news is that there are some great value mail redirection packages you can sign up for, even before the move. You can tell the company when you want the redirection to start, and one year should generally be enough to get everything in order and avoid your credit card statements ending up in the wrong hands.
Changing Your Insurance

If you don’t notify your insurance company about the change of address, you might not be able to make a claim. It is your legal responsibility to let your energy suppliers and insurance companies know about your move. If you have a car and you change where you keep it, your claim might be affected. Before you move, visit and get a new quote with your new address, so you can save money and stay protected.
Registering with a Doctor and Dentist
Those with kids find it hard to get everything done and deal with emergencies at the same time when they move house. Before you move, contact some of the local surgeries and enquire at the reception. Ask for recommendations from people on social media and Nextdoor, so you can choose the provider that will be able to fit you in for a checkup and get you referrals when you need it. Find a family dentist before you move, as well and register with them immediately.
Checking Out Schools
It is not enough to rely on your luck to get the kids in a good school. You should apply for a space well before the moving date, so you can choose the closest and highest rated ones, instead of being allocated a place based on your emergency needs. Once you have a list of schools, get in touch with the leadership and arrange a tour with your kids, so you can get a good idea of how it is run and whether your children will be able to fit in easily.
Changing Locks
Before you start using your new home as your own, it is important that you change your locks. You might not know anything about the history of the house, and – unless you move into a brand new house – there is a chance that the previous owner has lost a set of keys at one point. As you don’t know how many copies exist, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Moving home with kids is a challenging time. Be sure to take care of these important tasks, so you can start the next chapter of your life without worries.

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.