Today we celebrate 3 whole years of rear facing and 2 years of Extended Rear Facing.
Happy Birthday Caitlyn Anabelle!
We will continue to rear face for many years more!!
If this is new to you, please have a look at and to understand why rear facing is so important!
It’s never too late to educate! When we know better we do better!

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.