It’s now past summer and I feel I can breathe slightly more, though the kids are going back to school tomorrow, so I might just start panicking again!
I am very aware that I have been gone for quite some time now, and I feel like I should share with my dear readers what has been going on.
I’m not going to get too personal, because well… But I will tell you a bit about why I have been gone.
When this first struck, very early on, I became quite ill. Not so ill as to need any medical attention, but I was quite ill with it. I was bed-bound for approx. 3 weeks – mostly sleeping, coughing…and generally feeling quite ill.
I don’t actually remember much from those weeks in bed if I am honest, so that should say something about my status.
I was, however, able to get to the bathroom with some help etc, so please don’t think I was on my death bed. Because I wasn’t.
But after I started feeling better, it was clear to me that I had in fact been quite ill – and recovery would take quite some time…
Recovering from Covid-19
After spending 3+ weeks bedbound, I felt well enough to start trying to get out of bed. However, this turned out to be harder than I first anticipated.
You see, I was extremely weak and my breathing was really bad – I think the best way to try and visualize it would be if you have ever been struck with very low blood pressure suddenly, it makes you feel quite ill, the world sort of dips and it feels like you are on some rough seas.
If you have ever had this, then that was part of how I was feeling after I was well enough to start moving around. But it was 100% of the time, and it didn’t seem to want to let go.
Just moving a few meters across the room left me winded, and gasping. I was in quite a state.
Safe to say, working was out of the question and during my recovery I had to focus more on my children, whom I had been in quarantine from for a month! And only got to see swiftly at a distance by the door here and there. I am sure more mothers and fathers out there can picture how awful that feels!
But I don’t want to wallow too much on the negatives here – it’s not why I am writing this post. Neither is it for sympathy, there were probably much worse off than me during this epidemic, and to all those who were hit with the virus, I wish you a swift recovery, and I hope you feel better soon!
Recovering takes a blasted long time.
They don’t seem to be able to tell us much about how long do they, but at least a year has been mentioned to me by the Dr.
Even though it’s been some months now since I got “well” again, I am still very much unable to live a normal life as I used to do before this blasted virus. And with it we have had to make some changes at home, my children have had to pay a price, as I am unable to do many of the things I used to do with them – though I am hopeful that with time we’ll get back to normal.
My lungs aren’t at 100% after this whole thing, which still makes my breathing act up, however, the Dr. has prescribed me with some Asthma inhalers etc – which I am happy to say are working, so that’s great!
I have good days, and I have bad days, and I have very bad days. It’s all a bit of a gamble – so I’m afraid that blogging and Facebook and so forth have really really taken a backseat. I just haven’t had the time for it, neither have I really felt up to it. And I don’t actually know when I will come back if I am totally honest with you.
At the moment I can’t even do much of the simplest housework, as any type of physical activity leaves me spent and when I push myself, because lets face it – you just have to sometimes don’t you – it leaves me very much wiped out in bed the next day.
It’s far from ideal, but I am hoping it will get better once the body has had time to recover.
We all react to the virus in different ways – so there’s not really a fasit is there, just have to take a day at a time. The positive thing is that it is going forward and it is going better. It’s slow, but it is def. better now than it was – and that can only be positive.
I’m sorry for such a drag post – but I just felt I had to give some form of an update as to why I have been gone for such a long time.
Please stay safe, drive carefully and I will see you.

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.