Hello fellow parents!
I am starting a blog series called; [Our ERF Journey], which will be about ERF (extended rear facing) but most importantly the parent’s/carer’s/childminder’s etc. journey to ERF.
Would you like to take part in sharing your ERF story? Tell us of how you learned about ERF and decided to go for ERF, how you changed to ERF from FF or how you had no idea about anything at all and was then told and decided to change seats?.. stories like that.
I think it would be hugely beneficial for other parents who are either on the fence a little or who wish to know more! Together we can spread the knowledge from a more personal point of view around the world.
[affilinet_performance_ad size=468×60]Would you like to join?
Please email me at: erfmissionATgmailDOTcom
With the subject: My ERF Story
Send your finished typed up story and any photos you wish to have added to the post. If you are a fellow blogger please send me your post in the code format so I can simply copy and paste it directly. I love sharing social media profiles, so just add yours if you would like to be promoted.
I would love it if you have at least one photo of your child (feel free to blur the face – if you do not know how to do this I will do it for you if you wish just add it to the note in your email) and also please make sure that in the photo your children are correctly fastened in the car seat!
If you could also add what car you currently drive and the name of your seats (though I will be able to tell either way) in your story that would also be great as it would help with vehicle search as well.
If you are unsure of what I mean by correctly fastened children – I have added a helpful tip image below.
The reason I stress this is because it’s extremely important.
After all: 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed in the brain at 60,000 times the speed of text.
Did you know that imagery is what is stored in our long-term memory? This means even though we might think that seeing a wrongly installed car seat or a wrongly installed child in a car seat, on telly – maybe on Facebook, is no big deal the truth is that we store the image in our brain subconsciously. Unless we know otherwise – we think it’s correct.
I hope as many of you will join us as possible!
Have a lovely weekend and as always drive safe!
Other stories in the series:
Post is part of >>> #KCACOLS – #FabFridayPost – #FartGlitter – #stickyfingers

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.