This will continue to come on every other week, as having it up every week is just too much and too little time to find what I need.
This past week I have been trying to make my mind up on who was going to be this Thursday’s “winner”. hehe
This retailer was one of the first ones I came across when I was looking for ERF retailers. Like some of the others, it’s small and privately owned.
I present to you….
Congratulations to rear facing specialist; Secureatot!
Secureatot is owned by Jayne and Kirsty.
They offer specialist rear facing car seat advice, both online by e-mail and Facebook, and on phone. They also have two showrooms for you to come and try out car seats.
These are located in; Brinkworth and Malmesbury, Wiltshire.
Their website contains a mountain of factual information put to you in a simple way to help you understand better.
On Youtube you can find many of their install guides to help you install your seat if you have bought it online. Their website has an online shop, though some of the car seats can only be bought from one of their Showrooms.
Our babies were nine months old when we first came across rear facing car seats. We were shocked at how much safer rear-facing car seats are compared to forward-facing and began researching straight away to find out the facts. We could not believe that this knowledge was not more widespread and that we as consumers were unable to make informed choices.
We discovered that rear-facing car seats are 5 times safer than forward-facing seats!
Kirsty did what a lot of people will do and tried to convince herself that forward facing was the way to go. After all, isn’t it more sociable?! Also, if it was that much safer, why could they not be bought in the UK (at that time the only option was to import from Europe)?
There were also a whole host of questions ‘where do their legs go’, ‘how can I see my baby’ etc, all of which were perfectly understandable and ones that many parents had asked.
In the end we couldn’t ignore the facts any longer and we decided to buy rear-facing seats for our babies. We were then both amazed that we had to import the seats from Sweden, which was time-consuming and costly.
So that’s why we set up this site – to help make information about rear-facing car seats more widely available and to give you the chance to buy some of the best seats available from our UK stock.
You can learn from our experience but you don’t just have to take our word for it… please read the evidence yourself… and then pass it on!
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 9am till 5pm
Saturday from 9am till 12pm
Previous “Thumbs UP! Thursday”

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.