One of the most common myths out there. The claim that you can not install a rear-facing car seat in your car – because it’s too small…
Well… generally speaking, you are wrong. But of course, there would be a situation where the car seat wouldn’t fit, because the front passenger or driver is very tall. However! The blanket statement that you can not fit an ERF seat in small cars, is dead wrong.
Don’t believe me? Well, I’m going to prove it to you.
Heads up MaxiCosi…*cough*
Extended Rear Facing in Small (or tiny!) Cars:
We have a whole album of this, but I’ll post some lovely pictures of the most common small cars for your enjoyment.
Please see our full album at the end of the post, or click on this link.
The infamous FIAT 500!
To me, this is one of my favourites. The Fiat500 is a tiny car, right? I even had an argument with MaxiCosi regarding this, because they used this car as an example where “rear facing isn’t possible”.
Well, it so happens that it is! And here is a great example… It’s even on the fitting list.
But let’s not stop there, lets go ahead with another example shall we?
You are tall you say? No way your passenger will fit? Oh..ok…let’s try again:
That is quite a lot of room still left for the passenger to play with!
And don’t worry about children’s legroom in ERF seats please!
Fiat Punto!
Lets add multiple car seats!
Max Way allowed for a 185cm tall driver when using the max recline on the Max Way car seat!
We also had a Punto! So I have some personal experience as well. Hubby is nearly 2m tall…
VW Polo?
Let’s look at the Polo shall we? Again, quite small car.

Oh You Have a Citroën?
Not to worry, ERF fits there too!
Dad who was 6ft tall was still able to sit as a front passenger.
The joys of ERF in small cars right?!
I know what we should do now, we should go more “sporty” right?!
Toyota Celica & VW Golf Cabriolet
Ford KA & Kia Picanto
These are popular cars on the forums! And also among those often used as an example of a small car that “can’t fit ERF”…sigh. Lets prove them wrong.
Hauck Varioguard also works fine.
You can even get ERF in a MINI!
I hope this helps put this myth to rest!
Rear facing in small/tiny cars is absolutely possible! And as mentioned at the top of the post – here is the full album, there are almost 100 photos.

Please share this article so that we can help more people realize that small cars, doesn’t mean you can’t ERF.

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.