Does yours?
You might want to check that policy!
It is absolutely possible that I have missed some in this article – if you know one I have missed, PLEASE leave a comment below and I shall add it!
If you spot an error, again please make sure to leave a comment below and I will look into it!
In our Facebook group, this is something that comes up quite often, because of that I’ve added a couple of links to the Facebook posts to this post just in case you want to have a scroll over there as well.
Over to the list, which I have put in ALPHABETICAL order

UPDATED: 30/10-19
££ no limit cover of child car seats.
Special note: Our Comprehensive Policy Holders can claim for buggies & car seats if damaged or stolen, there is no limit on covering these. There is still however a £50 limit for accessories. Accessories cover only applies to fire and theft claims.
Admiral Single Car Cover – Admiral MultiCar Cover
96% of customers would buy from us again. Based on 5,684 respondents between Jul & Dec 2020
Up to £300 cover of child car seats.
Special note: If your car is fitted with any child car seats, we will pay up to £300 for their replacement following a valid claim covered by this policy, whether or not visible damage has been caused to the car seat. No excess will apply in respect of replacement of child car seats. You should purchase the replacement seat and we will reimburse you on presentation of the receipt.
AVIVA Plus Car Insurance

£ No limit cover of child car seats.
Special note: Both our classic Aviva & our AvivaPlus policy will pay for a full replacement of any child seats in the event of fire, theft or accident, even if there’s no apparent damage. No amount is specified for cover but receipts may be required in the event of a claim.

£ covers a child car seat of a similar standard.
Special note: If you have a child car seat or booster seat fitted to the Insured Car the Insurer will pay for the cost of replacement of a child seat or booster seat with one of a similar standard following an accident involving the Insured Car, or any loss or damage caused by Fire, Theft or Attempted theft from the Insured Car.

£300 cover for each child car seat.

££ no limit on the cover of child car seats? No max limit stated, however, see special notes!
Special note: “Replacement of child car seats following their loss or damage or following impact damage to the Insured Vehicle”
“We will settle a claim for (ii) loss or replacement of or damage to a child car seat by payment on the basis of the cost of replacement or, at Our option, by replacement, with a new item of the same model and specification or the nearest equivalent model if a similar item is not available. The replaced item will then become Our property.”

££ no limit on the cover of child car seats. They also cover any fixtures such as a base.
Special note: If you have a child car seat fitted to your car and your car is involved in an accident, damaged by fire or theft or stolen and not recovered, we will arrange a replacement, or cover you for the cost of replacing the child car seat with a new one of a similar standard, even if there is no apparent damage. You may be required to provide proof of purchase as part of the claim validation process.

£ will pay for the cost of a replacement of a similar model and standard. You may also claim up to a maximum of £50 for loss or damage to any children’s accessories.
Special note: “We will pay up to £300 in any one incident for loss, or damage to, any handbag and its contents (a small bag containing non-specific personal items) caused by accident, fire, theft or attempted theft, whilst it is in your car. We will pay up to £150 for personal belongings in your car if they are damaged or stolen. This amount is increased to £500 if it is a Camper Van to include extra cover for non-standard fixtures and fittings.“

££ No limit to the cover of child car seats.
Special note: You might need to take pictures as proof.
£100 cover for each child car seat.
Special note: This cover applies even if there’s no obvious damage to the seat.
LESS Than 45% of Car Insurance Offer Full Car Seat Cover! Check out this list and find out if yours is one of them! #carinsurance #carseats #insurancepolicy #givefullcovernow #erfmama #erfmission #coolkidsridesafe… Click To Tweet ThisElephant

Will pay for the cost of a replacement car seat or pushchair of a similar model and standard.
Special note: You may also claim up to a maximum of £50 for loss or damage to any children’s accessories.

If your policy number starts with XA Premiere/Direct: Replacement of a similar model and standard, even if there’s no apparent damage, up to the value of £300 per incident. You should provide proof of purchase.
If your policy number starts with H Premiere/Direct:
Replacement of a similar model and standard even if there is no apparent damage, subject to the provision of the purchase receipt for the original item. Unless stolen, the child’s car seat or booster seat should be made available for inspection.
Special note: ‘Essential’ does not cover child car seats.
This is what I could uncover after I was finally given a link to the actual policies, but if you are with Hastings, please make sure you check your own!!!

Special note: They use a panel of insurance providers, so it’s possible it could be different depending – but over the phone one source was told that they do in fact not have any car seat cover at all!

Up to £300 cover of child car seats.
Special note: If you have a child’s car seat or booster seat fitted in your car and you make a claim under sections 1 or 2 of this Policy your Insurer will pay for the cost of a replacement of a similar model and standard, even if there’s no apparent damage, up to the value of £300 per incident. You should provide proof of purchase.

£ They replace any child seat in your car with a new one of the same quality.
Special note: “If your car is stolen or damaged in an accident or fire, we’ll replace any child seat in your car with a new one of the same quality, even if there’s no apparent damage. “

££ No limit to cover of child car seats.
Special note: You must have proof of purchase (receipt). If you cannot find your receipt they will ask for the make/model/age/cost of the seat and will then for similar models online and make you an offer.

££ no limit cover of child car seats.

££ No limit cover of child car seats.
Special note: “We’ll pay back the cost of replacing your child car seat with one of a similar standard, even if there is no apparent damage. This includes booster seats and isofix bases.”
Provident Insurance

££ No limit cover of child car seats.
Special note: If you have a child car seat fitted in your car and your car is involved in an accident, as long as you are making a claim under section 1 of the policy, we will pay the cost of replacing the child car seat.
What we can’t cover you for is: There is no cover for child car seats if you do not claim under section 1 of this policy for the same accident or the amount of your excess shown in your schedule

£100 cover of child car seats.
Fun fact: RAC has worked with the car seat manufacturer Cosatto in developing a new car seat in Cosatto’s range. Perhaps this means they will change their car seat cover policy? We can hope! So I decided to ask them:

£100 Max cover of child car seats!!
Special note: “If you have a child car seat/booster seat in your car and your car is involved in an accident resulting in a claim under this section of your policy, we will also contribute towards the cost of replacing the child car seat/booster seat up to a maximum of £100 per child seat, even if there is no apparent damage to the child car seat/booster seat.”

£300 cover of child car seats, per car seat.
Volkswagen Car Insurance
£ They replace any child seat in your car with a new one of the same quality.
Special note: If you have a child car seat fitted to your car and your car is involved in an accident, damaged by fire or theft or stolen and not recovered, we will cover you for the cost of replacing the child car seat with a new one of a similar standard, even if there is no apparent damage.

£100? Cover of child car seats!?
Motability insurance:

££ Full car seat cover.
Special note: “We provide cover for any child safety seats which are fitted to your car at the time of an incident, even if there is no apparent damage.”
NB! Proof of purchase or pictures of seats in the car might be needed!

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.