Here Are Some Of The Most Stressful Situations Kids Can Experience

Stress is a factor of life but as a parent, you want to make sure that your kids don’t deal with excess levels of stress. This can lead them to struggle at school and in their personal life at home too. Let’s look at some of the stressful situations kids can encounter and how to handle these the right way. 


Divorce is by far one of the most stressful experiences that a child can go through. They will have a lot of questions and if they are young, they might not fully understand what is happening. You’ll need to make sure that you approach this the right way and communicate with them effectively about what’s going on. Obviously, you’ll have a lot of important matters to consider like the divorce settlement but it’s important that your child’s emotional wellbeing isn’t forgotten here. 


Bullying is incredibly common. One recent poll suggested that more than 70% of children will be bullied before they reach 18. That’s a massive percentage and it suggests that the problem is far more widespread than most parents and crucial most teachers are willing to admit. To deal with bullying you need to make sure that your kids have an open and honest relationship with you. They need to be able to come to you directly with an issue like this. 

Long Term Injury 

Kids get injured all the time. It’s part of growing up for sure but if it’s a long term injury, the impact can be a little more severe. You might need to think about how it’s going to impact them over the next few months or years. It can change how they experience school and their personal life. To deal with this, you must make sure that they have coping mechanisms in place and that they understand that their injury does not change who they are. 

Moving House

Finally, moving house can certainly cause kids a lot of stress and it’s important that you don’t underestimate the impact that this can have on them. It can even be more stressful for them than it is for you and that’s something to keep in mind. If you are moving home, then it will typically mean your kids are going to need to start fresh at a new school. You might also find that they will lose their previously built friendship groups. Believe it or not, Inside Out is a brilliant portrayal of the type of problems kids can face when you move house and the emotional shock it can trigger. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key stressful situations that you need to be aware of as a parent and that can impact your kid. By understanding these issues, you can make sure that you take the right steps to protect them and keep them on the right track. You might also want to consider cognitive therapy. This can be useful for kids who seem to be dealing with some form of intense emotional trauma but it’s not always necessary.