Running a business at home? Workplace safety and security is just as important when working from home as it is working from an office or a store. In fact, it could be important not just for you and your business, but also for your family. Below are just a few safety and security tips for home business owners.
Don’t ignore fire safety
When working from home, it’s important to consider fire safety. If you’ve converted a loft or basement into a home office, consider whether you have a clear fire escape that you can use. It could also be important to make sure that you have a working smoke alarm so that any fire can be detected early. When using a computer or other plug-in machinery, make sure that you’re not reliant on extension cables (especially extension cables plugged into extension cables – these are a big cause of fires).
Make sure your home office is ergonomic
An ‘ergonomic’ home office is designed to be as comfortable and functional as possible in order to reduce strain on the human body. Not only can this improve productivity, but it can reduce the development of repetitive strain injuries such as slipped discs in the spine or carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s worth always investing in a comfortable chair – this can take pressure off the lower back. When using a computer at a desk, make sure that the keyboard is directly in front of you and that it is at the right height (your elbows should be level with the keyboard when typing) – this could help you to adopt a healthy posture that can prevent various aches and pains.
Protect your home from burglars
Home offices can be a popular target for burglars. Not only are computers valuable pieces of equipment, but they can contain valuable information that could be sold on the black market. Make sure that your home is secure by fitting it with sturdy locks. Taking extra measures such as installing a burglar alarm or adding security cameras could be worthwhile if you live in an area that is commonly targeted by burglars.
Consider whether you really need to give clients your home address
Burglars may not know that you run a home business unless you publicly advertise it. It may not be wise to share your home address online as your business address – it could put you and your family at risk of being targeted by a burglar. A virtual address as available from a site like could be a safer option. These are addresses that you outsource from other companies – all your business mail can be directed to this address and then sent to your real address from here. This is a great way of keeping your home address private.
Secure your home internet connection
Your home wi-fi may not be very secure. This could lead to you and your family’s devices being hacked. Make sure that you’re using a strong wi-fi password and consider enabling network encryption. You could also consider using a VPN. This guide at offers a few more cybersecurity tips for those working from home.

Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. She is also a breastfeeding advocate and gentle parenting promoter who loves cloth nappies, baby-wearing, BLW and co-sleeping/bed-sharing.