How To Put Your Fears At Ease As A New Parent Driver

Whether you’re a parent who has recently become a driver or a driver who has had a baby, driving safely is vital. However, this new situation is likely to make you feel a little less comfortable. Sadly, an unconfident driver will be at increased risk of accidents. So, you will need to put this rightRead more

Products To Keep Your Baby Safe and Give You Peace of Mind

Keeping your baby safe will give you more peace of mind and make it easier to be a good parent for them. These days, there are so many different baby and infant products that relate to safety and it can be difficult to determine what’s worth the money and what you should avoid. So inRead more

3 Often Overlooked Aspects of Car Safety

When it comes to buying, driving or maintaining a car, safety should always be your number one priority. While it’s easy to be swayed by in-car tech and shiny paintwork, these can’t compete with advanced safety features and reliability. To help you make the right choice when you buy your next motor, take a lookRead more

Changing Gears To Ensure Safer Roads For Your Children

As parents, advocacy is what we do. Even those of us who have never been the best at standing up for ourselves have to find our voices to fight for our children. And, while it shouldn’t be the case, fight we often do.  Specifically, where our children’s health is concerned, many of us find ourselvesRead more

Texting And Driving: Why The Campaign Against It Is So Important To Everyone’s Safety

texting and driving

We all love our cell phones and the evolving technology; I mean carrying your own personal computer around is pretty amazing. But our addiction to this device is not only causing life-threatening dangers to us, but to others as well. Let’s accept it when our cell phone’s ring goes off, we are always tempted toRead more

Car Safety Statistics & What They Mean For You

Car Safety Statistics & What They Mean For You

Safety behind the wheel should be a priority for all drivers. As wonderful as driving is, the dangers are far too real to dismiss. Therefore, appreciating the facts as well as what they mean for you, the driver, should be top of the agenda. Here are four clear statements that should be used to influenceRead more