Exclusive Guide to Rotating ERF Car Seats

Guide to Rotating ERF Seats

      Q: Why is the Maxi Cosi Axissfix not on here? A: The Maxi-Cosi Axissfix can only be used rear-facing until the child is 87cm tall, which is around age 2 for most children, and therefore we don’t recommend it unless the child is on the lower centiles for height and would last toRead more

Exclusive ‘Recaro Zero 1. Elite i-Size Car Seat ‘Sneak-Peak’!

Recaro Zero 1. Elite Sneakpeak

[affilinet_performance_ad size=468×60] Our Recaro Zero 1. Elite “Sneak-Peak” Yesterday we took a drive down to Berkhamstead! (Fun fact – we used to live in Leighton Buzzard! hehe) It was a trip down memory lane. I had no idea the car seat demonstration was so close to our old home. Anyway… so we took a drive down.Read more