Joie in the home! (Again)

We are super excited to give a small snack view of what we got in the post yesterday! If you are following my twitter and Facebook you should know what I am talking about! Hehe If your not, then you definitely shoukd as I update a lot there. My internet will arrive tomorrow (FINALLY doesn’tRead more


This is an URGENT message that just popped up on my news feed on Facebook! Thank you to Child-Car Seat-Advice for making us all aware of this!!   IMPORTANT INFORMATION – THIS IS NOT A CHILD CAR SEAT     This harness (from Ebay) is ILLEGAL to use in the UK and Europe. This harness has passed NORead more

The BeSafe i-Size is here soon!

    It’s all most here! Due to be released in June! (May 15th in Scandinavia) The BeSafe iZi Kid i-Size! (Make note of the clothing the children are wearing in a typical Norwegian winter. And how they are undressed before being strapped in! And what they are wearing in the seats. This is *important*Read more

Messy-play with sensory fun!

  It’s important to take a step back and let the kids just do their own thing from time to time. Kids love messy play and to just make a mess don’t they? haha What better way then to just set them up outside in the garden on a sunny day with some toys, pot’nRead more

And the greatest of these is Love…

One of the most beautiful piece I have ever read. It fitted so well with Henry’s hand. taken after he fell asleep at the breast. ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, carRead more

Axkid Minikid – A Toddler’s Point of View

Axkid Minikid

  Went to the ICSC today to try the Axkid Minikid and to make sure it actually fitted nicely in our Ford Mondeo 2004 model. Caitlyn Anabelle is 3,5 years old, 15kg and 104cm tall. I didn’t have a chance to measure her torso height again at this time, so I will add that later on. Being 104cm tallRead more

The wonderful world of : Useless blog things

This post is pretty much just that. Very useless. haha Well, you might find it useful if you wish to have these sort of “counters” on your blog, or register your blog on sites to try and get more readers. That is basically what I’ve done, so I’ve decided to dedicate this post to justRead more

You’re in MY seat!

Going out with toddlers is always quite an experience…..hehe Yesterday I decided to change the cat litter tray, only to find out after I changed it that we were out of litter… And with nothing open… (Easter..yey) that wasn’t really ideal. :wacko: So  today I had to take the kids to Tesco and pick up someRead more

SHOCKING Study Finds 60% of Car Seats Are Installed Incorrectly!

Shocking Study

And 99% of parents think they are correctly fitted! According to Good Egg Safety, on a national level, 6 out of 10 car seats are installed incorrectly! That is scary!  “Figures released by Good Egg Safety indicate a 13% rise in badly fitted child car seats in the four year period 2010-2013. The figures – whichRead more

Loving the Britax Head-support!

We love our new Britax Head-support in the TWE! ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the lawRead more

Britax TWE & BeSafe izi Plus in our Ford Mondeo -04

Caitlyn Anabelle is 3,5 years old, and Henry is now 19 months. Both very comfy and happy. ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s aRead more

3 Stages of a Collision

When one vehicle collides with another, the damages go far beyond that of broken headlights and smashed glass. Every car crash has three stages!  The first stage is the car crashing into something. Then comes the second when the people inside the car crash into the car’s interior. Hopefully the seat belt and air-bags! Then comesRead more

Happy Mothersday!

I hope everyone of you lovely readers had a happy mother’s day. I got to sleep in and the kids gave me flowers and a card in bed. My 3yo wrote her name on her own and Henry (19m) had help, but it was so lovely!! ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car SeatRead more

Tough Love

Tough Love. Amazing…and so true. ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accredited car seat expert. She blogs about in-car safety, car seats, tips, reviews, giveaways and advice. She’s a mum on a mission to change the law and raise awareness. SheRead more

And the WINNER of #1 is!!!

  The Winner IS: Comment nr 1! Leia!   I have contacted the Sponsor and you should be receiving an email soon! Thank you all for participating! I hope more will join next time! ERFmama Therese has completed the ‘Advanced Child Car Seat Training Course’ at TRL (Transport Research Lab) and is a CPD accreditedRead more