Please vote for ‘A Rear Facing Family’ in the MAD Blog Awards

It’s that time of the season again, and the doors have been opened for the MAD Blog Awards 2015! If you like reading my posts, have found my car seat advice helpful, simply enjoy my blog or viewing my videos, then please would you consider nominating  A Rear Facing Family.  To vote click on the badge below:Read more

I did a guest post #1 – Hot Weather, Children and Cars.

I wrote a guest post for Victoria over at Verily Victoria Vocalises !  Head on over and have a read and comment! I wrote about the heat  and how to keep the kids cool in the car among other things, so please do go have a read, especially as the weather is now getting warmer!!     Read more

Global Road Safety Week 2015 – Tip #4

It’s day 4 of Global Road Safety Week, and I hope you will find today’s tip as useful as you have hopefully found the last three.  Today we’ll be covering the first stage car seat, the same one you take baby home from the hospital in, that’s right – the infant “carrier”.       Read more

Hide Your Identity – Photo Guide

Hide-Your-Identity Tutorial

I spotted a guide like this on a different blog, and I thought ‘I should make one too!’  hehe. I have therefore made one using three different solutions and three different programs. All are completely FREE to use, one is downloadable, one comes with every PC and the last one is online. With the internetRead more

You Should NEVER Buy a Used Car Seat!!

  This is extremely important to know. I am well aware that at times, money just doesn’t go very far and that many families struggle and any car seat would then be better than no car seat, but a car seat you have no idea about the history of? That is not something you want,Read more

The Forward Facing Car Seat – Install Tips Video

    [tweetthis twitter_handles=”@GoodEggSafety”]Every child deserves to have a correctly installed car seat – no matter what way it faces! [/tweetthis]   That is a fact, and even though I am a huge promoter of ERF for it’s many important benefits, I think its well worth the time to give you a few of myRead more

Extended Rear Facing Car Seats & Prices

             Minikid – RF 25kg – Belt- £295          Kidzone – RF 25kg/FF 18kg – Belt – £325          Duoplus – RF 25kg/FF 18kg – Belt and Isofix – £365        Dual Fix – RF 18kg – Isofix – £350    Read more

When The Unavoidable Happens

how to taxi

When The Unavoidable Happens Like the title says it just happens sometimes. A couple of days ago I had just such a thing happen. I was ill, I couldn’t walk properly because my hip was acting up really bad and I had a lot of joint pain, BUT I had to get my daughter fromRead more

A Year Later – The Story of Anniston Jade

This is the story about a little girl called Anniston Jade. When she was 3 years old she was involved in a car accident. Her story shows us how quick our entire lives can change, in the blink of an eye… I can not begin to describe how such a thing is like, how itRead more

Dear Mr. Derek Bavaird of Jan Stewart Prams…’re $h***ing me!

Earlier this week Facebook suddenly got interesting. The car seat world was popping my news feed up up and away! So much that I just had to find out what the fuss was all about…  And there it was…. I can’t say I’m majorly surprised, I mean.. here we are actually  fighting with claws grabbing onRead more

Free Car Seat Checks – Upcoming Events Sept/Oct

  All clinics are absolutely FREE of charge!  This is definitely something you want to check out, you will receive excellent info and advice from one of the trained Good Egg car seat fitter and it will only take a few minutes to make sure your child(ren) are riding safely in the car.       Read more

Child Passenger Safety Week (September 14-20, 2014)

In celebration of this year’s CPSW I have made a little collage in remembrance of my kids on their RF journey.  Sadly I do not have any photos of Caitlyn as a baby, but she used the same baby Graco Junior seat as Henry is pictured in. She transitioned to the BeSafe when she was aroundRead more

Finally action is taken!!

Quite a while ago I posted about a “car seat” that was being sold on eBay etc and it was spread on Facebook. We got news that maybe several child minders had bought this product along with other parents who thought this was a good deal and ofc. action had to be taken!! The postRead more

Blog Maintenance #1

  Please please please excuse the clutter and the not so nice look of the blog any more. I am currently working out some maintenance issues caused by the latest update to WordPress.   I hope to have this fixed very soon, but in the meantime please don’t leave because of the blog look! hahaha Read more

News! iSize from BeSafe themselves

I thought this was a good and at the same way cute way of explaining i-Size in a fast way. With new legislations it can be a bit confusing when all we know is the old ECE R44.04. BeSafe has made this to help all of us. Please remember that when you buy a seatRead more