The Voksi® Explorer Review

I have long wanted to review a product such as this because it’s normally not something that I would recommend that you use in the car seat because some of these types of products can interfere with the harness.
I have long wanted to review a product such as this because it’s normally not something that I would recommend that you use in the car seat because some of these types of products can interfere with the harness.
The new BeSafe izi Twist B-iSize car seat is an extended rear facing car seat suitable from BIRTH/40cm to 18kg/105cm – approximately 4 years old.
It is a ‘rear facing only’ car seat that has passed the amazing Swedish PLUS test, and it also swivels.
The absolute minimum age for a child to safely use a high back booster – is 4 years old! The longer you can stay rear-facing, the better – personally I advise aiming for age 6 before you consider changing to a high back booster unless there are other factors involved like the child reaching 25kg before that age!
A little while ago we were contacted by Nuna about reviewing their newest PLUS tested ERF seat, the Nuna Norr! Being the extended rear facing enthusiasts and specialists that we are, we, of course, couldn’t say no to this great opportunity. I have never actually owned a swivel seat (though I do have experience withRead more
As you have probably figured out by my posts these past few months, we have been working with BeSafe. Last month we received another extended rear-facing seat to review, their Modular RF i-Size! It’s been a hectic time for the family, so I apologise for being a little late with publishing the reviews – but it’sRead more
A month ago we were sent the new iSize high back booster from BeSafe! It’s the first high back booster on the market that is approved to the new R129-02 regulation. Testing it has been a very good experience, and the seat has several key features on it that we see in other seats, butRead more
Axkid Minikid (2018) Weight range: 0-25 kg (approx. from 6 months old to 6 years old) Installation: Seatbelt install Lowest harness height: 33cm Highest harness height: 43cm Cabin space required: 77cm Wash: 30° hand wash cycle and hang to dry PLUS TESTED RRP: £350 Plus tested car seats ensure that your child is not exposed toRead more
BeSafe izi Plus Stats Weight range: 0-25 kg (approx. from 6 months old to 5 years old) Installation: Seatbelt install Lowest harness height: 27cm Highest harness height: 38cm Cabin space required: 91cm Wash: 30° hand wash cycle and hang to dry PLUS TESTED RRP: £379.99 Having passed the Swedish Plus Test and being announced as test winnerRead more
A little while ago, I approached BubbleBum and asked if it would be possible for us to review their car seat. Being the kind of person, I am (always wanting to try new things in the car seat world!) I decided that now was the perfect opportunity to get to try a product I had soRead more
A little while ago we were contacted by Axkid and given the opportunity to review our choice of car seat from them. Since the Wolmax is the newest ERF seat from Axkid – I decided that this was the car seat to review! It hasn’t gotten enough media coverage – and with this review, IRead more
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We did a video review of this product, please see the video blow. A Little Bit of HuggyBelt Info: “The concept for the HuggyBelt was initially developed in 2009 and was primarily designed with child car protection and safety in mind. After the initial design stage a company was formed in 2011, KIDS Innovations DevelopmentRead more
Concord Reverso.Plus: Dimensions: L 80 x W 44 x H 46 cm / Support leg: 76 – 100 cm Car Fitting List: – Car Seat Manual: Suitable from BIRTH to 23KG & 105CM standing height! Top Harness Slot: 37CM Cabin Space Needed: 78.5CM RRP: £299.99 ISOfix PLUS Tested iSize (R129) Newborn insert used upRead more
Presenting to you our car seat review of the new car seat from Diono – the Radian 5. Or R5 as I like to just shorten it to. In this review, I will be going through both rear and forward facing – though the seat is currently being used in the rear facing mode.Read more
When we look at puzzles we don’t give much thought as to why they are a very important learning tool for kids. At least I never really did. It wasn’t until I had a chance to review a new puzzle app for kids that I took some time to read about it. I haveRead more