Happy Birthday Caitiebelle! :)

On the 13th of January 2012, it was decided that Caitlyn Anabelle had to come out with an emergency C-Section. She was then 34W gestation and we had been in the hospital for 12 days. The whole pregnancy with Caitiebelle was really hard. I was quite ill with a condition called ‘Hyperemesis Gravidarum’ (HG) whichRead more

My ovaries can’t handle it…

  Yesterday was an emotional day for me! My youngest little boy, the baby of the family, the little rugrat who came like a rocket when he was born (1h 45min from start to finish! ) – has now turned 4 years old… I’m a mess!! he he I’ve been spending time reminiscing old photos, videoRead more

Yesterday was a BIG Milestone for us!

Yesterday was a very big milestone for our family. Not only did the little baby of the family (Henry!) turn 3 years old, but it was also Caitiebelle’s first day of “big” school! She started her reception year, Henry had a birthday and to top it up completely – daddy broke his foot… well probably justRead more

I Breastfeed a 2-Year-Old.


Now that’s one of the best conversation starters I have ever done! “I breast feed a 2-year-old”… hehe. It’s not as uncommon as some think, there’s actually quite many of us but it’s not something you see a lot of publicly which is a shame. I think a lot of people are a little scaredRead more