How To Correctly Tighten Your Child’s Car Seat Harness

How To Correctly Tighten Your Childs Car Seat Harness

One of the most common errors with car seats is that the harness is not correctly fitted on the child. An incorrectly fitted harness is a serious mistake – and it will make the car seat unable to do its job properly.  It doesn’t matter if your car seat is rear or forward facing, theRead more

How To Manually Check Your Car Seat Recline Angle


How To Manually Check Your Car Seat Recline Angle! Continuing the #Tipoftheday Series that we have – today we bring you two apps for checking your car seat’s angle manually. This is especially good if you have an infant seat not on a base – even if it’s on a base and your base isRead more

ISOfix vs. ISOfit? The mind boggles…

It’s one of those questions that we all ponder on from time to time, isn’t it? Why is it that a child can only use a regular car seat with a harness up to “18kg” (most commonly on ISOfix car seats) but she’s perfectly OK to go into a high back booster that also hasRead more